A Crumbled Family

Suggested Bible Reading: Genesis 27-29 Devotional Thought: Philosopher George Santayana called the human family “one of nature’s masterpieces.” If the human family is truly a masterpiece, then unfortunately many of these masterpieces have become nothing more than mere crumbled pieces because they forgot their Creator and His design for the family. Genesis 27 describes such…

A New Generation

Suggested Bible Reading: Genesis 25-26 Devotional Thought: Abraham was sure to give Isaac all that He had as a testimony of what God was doing in His dispensation. Abraham carefully protected Isaac from any other future claims against his estate. It was very important for Abraham to settle this for the family before he died.…

The School of Our Faith

Suggested Bible Reading: Genesis 22-24 Devotional Thought: At the age of 75, Abraham enrolled in the “School of Faith.” By chapter 22, he was over 100, and he was still having faith-stretching experiences. We are never too old to mature through new challenges, maneuver through new battles, or manage through new truths. When we stop…

Love Not the World

Suggested Bible Reading: Genesis 19-21 Devotional Thought: “Come out from among them and be ye separate, saith the Lord.” (2 Cor. 6:17) God’s command to His children has always to be distinctly different from the world. He commanded every dispensation to live in such a way as to help point people to the character of…

The Exchange

One writer wrote about the incredible transaction that was made by Christ on our behalf saying, “He got what we deserved, so that we could get what He deserved.” The hymn says, “His robes for mine – oh wonderful exchange!” That exchange is the continual source for our joy and purpose in this life and…