The Important Institution of Marriage

Suggested Bible Reading:  Deuteronomy 24-27   Devotional Thought: Title:  “The Important Institution of Marriage.”   The eastern culture was definitely different and still is different from the western culture.  Unfortunately, there have been two main deviations to God’s design for marriage.  (1) Polygamy, which is the practice, started by Cain, of taking more than one…

Once for All

PlayStop Popout X The author poses a question in verse two, “For then would they not have ceased to be offered?” The writer refers to “worshippers once purged.” It is the “once for all” word which we have observed earlier. To be purged “once for all” would indeed have been a blessed experience for any…

The Guarantee of Victory

Suggested Bible Reading:  Deuteronomy 17-20 Devotional Thought: Title:  “The Guarantee of Victory.” Once the land of Canaan had been possessed there would still be enemies in the surrounding nations.  If the children of Israel obeyed God by driving out the enemies, they would inhabit a land more prosperous than those scattered around the promised land. …