The author poses a question in verse two, “For then would they not have ceased to be offered?” The writer refers to “worshippers once purged.” It is the “once for all” word which we have observed earlier. To be purged “once for all” would indeed have been a blessed experience for any Jewish worshipper as it is for us today. It would have brought with it a wonderful joy in fellowshipping with God with a clear conscience. “Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin.” (Rom 4:8) It is important to note that such blessedness was not possible under the law. The continuing offering up of sacrifices proved that. There was no once-for-all cleansing until Jesus cried “It is Finished!” and offered His righteousness through salvation. In the OT system, man sinned; he brought his offering; he received forgiveness; he sinned again; he offered again; he sinned again. There was no complete cleansing or perfecting of the man or his conscience. There was no easing of the mind, no heart that was truly at peace. If the Old Testament sacrifices had brought true peace, would those sacrifices not have ceased to be offered?