Please join us for this exciting seminar that will better equip us to bring others to Christ! Learn to share the Gospel clearly and compellingly, engage friends in conversation and discover how to form redemptive relationships.
Saturday, January 16, 8 a.m. – Noon
Sunday, January 17, 5 p.m. – 7 p.m.
Monday, January 18, 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Tuesday, January 19, 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Wednesday, January 20, 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Please sign up at the welcome center and order your seminar workbook asap.
From The Exchange website:
The purpose of The Exchange is to train and mobilize God’s people for Spirit filled, relational evangelism and discipleship at home and abroad, thus bringing glory to God.
What is the Exchange?
The Christian life is not just a race, it’s a relay race. Our faith was handed to us by those who ran before us. Now it’s our turn to run! What is the pivotal point in our race? – The exchange of the baton. The Exchange is a ministry of relational evangelism and discipleship training, utilizing the circle of ministry described in II Tim. 2:2. Our goal is to mobilize believers by teaching them how to form redemptive relationships, lead unbelievers to Christ, disciple those new believers in Spirit-empowered living and train them to give the gospel so that this circle is repeated over and over. The end result is spiritual multiplication and Great Commission living.
Why the name Exchange? This ministry focuses on two exchanges, both involving relationships. God’s command to make disciples involves a man-to-man relationship that builds a man-to-God relationship. Clearly, this necessitates a human side and a divine side. The human side of the exchange is passing the baton of faith in a relational, Gospel-centered manner. The divine side is the marvelous exchange God made possible through His Son, Jesus Christ, Who gave His life in exchange for ours (2 Cor. 5:21). The Exchange Gospel presentation and four-lesson Bible study are built around Who God is and how to have a relationship with Him.
Jeff Musgrave earned an MA in Bible from Bob Jones University in 1983 and received an honorary doctor of divinity in 2013. After working for Dr. John Vaughn in Greenville, SC for four years, he and his wife Anna, along with their children, planted Highlands Baptist Church in Centennial, Colorado under the leadership of Dr. Ed Nelson and South Sheridan Baptist Church. Twenty-six years later they handed that ministry over to another pastor and began an itinerant ministry of evangelism and discipleship training in local churches. The Exchange resources were born out of Jeff’s pastoral heart to reach and disciple people through relationships.
They are blessed with four children, two daughters-in-law, one son-in-law and five adorable granddaughters. As empty-nesters, Jeff and Anna enjoy serving the Lord together all over the world.
Over the last fifteen years Jeff has worked extensively with soul winning and discipleship training – teaching in Singapore, the Philippines, India, Myanmar, the South Pacific, Peru, Brazil, & Africa. For the past ten years the board of Baptist World Mission has asked Jeff to train all its new missionaries before they leave for their various fields. His passion for seeing lives transformed by Christ led him to develop a ministry of relational evangelism and discipleship training. He has implemented this in local churches and has seen God enable believers to effectively share the gospel and see friends and loved ones saved and discipled.
Anna shares Jeff’s passion for evangelism and discipleship. She earned an MA in Piano Performance from Bob Jones University. Her experience teaching piano for the past thirty years and ministering as a church pianist adds a dimension of help to the local churches to which they strive to minister.
Jeff and Anna are members of Harvest Baptist Church in Castle Rock, Colorado. The Exchange ministry is also closely tied to Calvary Baptist Church in Findlay, Ohio. Both ministries actively use The Exchange in their outreach in their respective communities.