The Ignorance of Man’s Righteousness
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PlayStop Popout X The apostle John has relentlessly hammered home throughout this epistle the truth that a correct view of the Lord Jesus Christ is essential to salvation. It is valuable to remember that a personal relationship with Christ is essential to abiding in Him and walking in the Spirit. John begins chapter 5 by…
Bee Joyful! Saturday, April 29, 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. In the midst of busy days, we are looking forward to our ladies conference this year as we focus on John 15:11, and the fact that in Christ our “joy may be full.” We would love for you to come for a day of refreshment…
Chapter 12 closes the first section of Joshua that deals with the conquest of the land by giving a summary of the battles won from Moses and all the victories studied in Joshua. It offers a powerful reminder of God’s faithfulness in fulfilling his promises to Israel to give them the land. God mentions two…
PlayStop Popout X In verse 12 John makes the simple point that if no one has seen God the Father at any time, and Jesus is no longer visibly present to manifest Him, people will not see God’s love unless believers love one another. We have not only been entrusted with the responsibility of speaking…
PlayStop Popout X Being controlled by the Holy Spirit of God allows a believer to live the victorious Christian life. This morning we want to explore the nature and character of God as it relates to love. Love is the very essence of God and therefore did not need to be created. There is no…