Staying Faithful to the End
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Pastor’s Bible Reading Schedule: Psalm 66-67; Acts 23 Devotional Thought: Psalm 19:1 says, “The heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament showeth His handywork.” Creation itself praises the awesomeness and greatness of God. Romans 1:19-20 convicts all mankind by announcing that nature itself doth reveal that there is God, leaving man without excuse.…
Pastor’s Bible Reading Schedule: Psalm 63-65 Devotional Thought: Psalm 63 is most likely written while David is in the wilderness of Judah hiding from Absalom who is trying to take over the kingdom. It certainly would have been easy for him to look back on his failures as a father, but David is not dwelling…
Pastor’s Bible Reading Schedule: Psalm 54-56 Devotional Thought: Has there ever been a time when your heart was broken and you just ran to the Lord for comfort? Here in Psalm 55 David pours out his heart to the Lord. In this Psalm, God reveals several different ways that we can handle difficult and painful…
PlayStop Popout X God’s greatness and the manifestation of His grace is the main subject of this chapter. The prayer of this chapter reherses the history of Israel and manifests both the goodness of God and the wickedness of man. As the Israelites worshipped the Lord, God’s purity and holiness revealed the sinfulness and selfishness…
All ladies are welcome to join us for a refreshing weekend retreat entitled “Finding Joy in the Journey.” Our Pastor’s wife, Michelle Berlin, will be the special speaker at this two-day event at Camp Assurance, near Danville, IL. Michelle has special memories of this camp, as it’s where she came to know the Lord as…