The Danger of Compromise

PlayStop Popout X It is always interesting when the enemies who oppose you on every front, suddenly want to join with you in your endeavors. Nehemiah experiences this with his constant enemies: Sanballat, Tobiah, and Geshem the Arabian. The enemy often has the philosophy, “If you cannot defeat them, join them and strive to defeat…

Fighting the Enemy

PlayStop Popout X There are still things worth fighting for in America. We must fight for our homes, churches, and our testimonies. As we continue our study in Nehemiah 4, we find the people are willing to fight for the cause of Christ. Nehemiah needed to motivate the people to overcome some things that often…

When Opposition Comes Part 1

PlayStop Popout X Chapters 4 to 6 describe at least nine different tactics that the opposition used to try to stop the work on the walls. They attacked the Jewish people with derision (4:1-6) and designed intimidation (4:7-9). This resulted in difficulties within the Jewish ranks: discouragement (4:10), dread (4:11-23), and deceitful covetousness (5:1-19). When…

Having a Mind to Work

PlayStop Popout X Nehemiah demonstrates his faith in God as he begins to encounter opposition to the work God had called him to do. No matter what you are doing for the cause of Christ, the Devil will make sure you encounter opposition. Whether it is opposition to the work necessary to please God in…