There are few things in life more painful than broken relationships. Shattered marriages, wayward children, and disrupted friendships produce intense suffering and deep sorrow. When those broken relationships involve fellow believers, the pain is even more severe. Watching believers suffer the consequences of their sinful conduct compounds the grief from the breaking of the relationship. Though richly rewarding in many ways, the ministry is demanding. To properly interpret the Word of God, understand theology, edify believers, and refute those in error requires diligent, hard labor. Proving to be an example to the flock, admonishing the unruly, encouraging the fainthearted, and helping the weak (1 Thess. 5:14) all take their toll. But the most painful aspect of ministry involves strained relationships between the sheep and the shepherd. As he penned this epistle, Paul nursed a broken heart over the church he loved and served.