It is a true principle that God does not tempt His children. However He does sometimes test and try the faith of His children with the purpose of proving the quality and caliber of our faith. For Abraham, the greatest trial of his faith came when asked… “Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac whom thou lovest, and offer him for a burnt offering.” (Gen 22:2) But Abraham had already believed God with reference to the miraculous conception and birth of Isaac. The faith that believed God then, trusted him now. It is the nature and character of faith to believe when we cannot understand. We are not asked to rationalize or to question. We are not asked to always understand. We are asked to trust when at times we cannot see. Jehovah-Jireh would order things aright for Abraham. No child of faith is exempt from trial or immune to suffering, but there is One who sustains in the trial, and suitably rewards after the trial, and ever orders everything for our good and for His glory. May we all find grace and courage to trust God as Abraham did.