These closing verses finally bring the epistle full circle. John began with the coming of the Word of Life (1:1-4); now he closes with the certainty that the Son of God has come. The present tense of the verb “come” in the original language indicates that Jesus has come and is still present. The Christian faith is not theoretical or abstract; it is rooted in the practical truth that God became man in the person of Jesus Christ. John’s concluding warning, “My little children, keep or “guard” yourselves from idols,” reflects the crucial significance of worshiping the true God exclusively. Though few in our contemporary culture worship physical idols, idolatry is widespread nonetheless. Anything that people elevate above God is an idol of the heart. Anything elevated above the knowledge of God must be smashed, and only Christ exalted. The most successful way to keep from idols of the heart is to abide in Christ and love Him with your whole heart.