“Yahweh, The Self-Existing One.”
In Exodus 6, God reassured Moses by confirming His promise that He would bring his people out of captivity and into the land of Canaan. Many hardships would await Moses on this journey to Canaan, and he needed to learn that the strong consoling name of Yahweh was all he needed. Moses would need to lift up the hearts of hundreds of thousands of travelers in the coming years, and he would have to learn where to find encouragement in times of distress. He would also learn more and more about the God he now served. Part of this consolation comes through knowing the names of God, which signified more than mere attributes but revealed something of the character of God. Now the time of deliverance drew near. Now you will see, the Lord said to Moses, what he would do to Pharaoh. Pharaoh would not only yield to the Lord’s command and let the people go but he would drive them out personally. God further encouraged his chosen leader by pointing out his original covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He did not reveal himself as fully to them as he would to Moses. Although God did reveal his covenant name to Abraham, he was primarily known to them as a God of power and might. With Moses, however, He would more fully disclose his name and character, as the self-existing faithful God who would bring rest to the tired people of his covenant. God is still in that same business today. He calls unto us and says, “Come unto me all ye that are weary and heavy laden and I will give thee rest.” (Matthew 11:28) Of course, the greatest promise of all was the permanent dwelling of God with his people, His presence being with them. What a gift the Holy Spirit dwelling in us is, and what a future we have coming, when we will be permanently with the Lord in heaven forever. The writers of Scripture all weave this thread through the unfolding theme of salvation. God longed to dwell with his people, the Israelites, in perfect and permanent peace. They are, after all, the people of his possession. He would take them as his own people. In the centuries following, this budding nation would test this relationship to the limit by repeated acts of unfaithfulness in turning to other gods and idol worship. But God would never turn his back completely on them because of his faithfulness to his promise. We too are God’s possession, and we too, have experienced the patient, faithful, and covenant keeping God. “What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost, which is in you, which ye have of God and ye are not your own. For ye are bought with a price…” (1 Cor. 6:19-20) We belong to Him, and He faithfully dwells with us. We are complete in Him and we need nothing other than Yahweh, the Self-existing One!
Personal Prayer Requests:
- Lord, please help me to never take your presence for granted. Help me to embrace your desire to walk and talk with me.
- Lord, please help me to always be humbled by your faithfulness, and may it help motivate me to be faithful to you.
- Lord, thank you for being all that I need and for so graciously providing so much more than I need.