Pastor’s Bible Reading Schedule:
Exodus 6:28-9:35; 1 Chronicles 6:1-4
Key Thought:
Moses did everything he was supposed to do. He was assertive before Pharaoh. “Let my people go!” sounded so straightforward and confident. Then why didn’t Pharaoh respond to God’s word? As we saw a few weeks ago, this proud Egyptian leader arrogantly responded, “Who is this God that I should obey Him?” He insinuated that the Hebrews were trying to get out of work; therefore, he gave them even more work. A delegation was formed to persuade Pharaoh of his injustice, but this didn’t work. Therefore, all the pain caused the Hebrew representatives to turn on Moses and Aaron. Moses turned to God again. After all, Moses reminded God that it had been Him who sent Moses on this mission. You might think that God would solve all the problems in advance; however, He didn’t. Moses asked, “Why?” and began to question His call. Often, we see pastors, business entrepreneurs, politicians, and other leaders, likewise, questioning their call when people do not respond to their leadership. Here are some principles to remember when leaders face confusing times.
- Remain faithful to your responsibility, God is not finished!
- Rebellious hearts often create tension, but choose to love people and trust God unconditionally.
- Remember people struggle most when they are in pain.
- The life of faith is often accompanied by moments of doubt. The Bible is full of examples of this fact.
- Trust God in difficult times and choose not to complain.
- Remember that God is your Buckler and Shield.
- Do not take things personal, simply trust what God has called you to accomplish for His glory.
Prayer Requests:
- Lord, please help me to never doubt in the dark what you have clearly communicated in the light.
- Lord, please help me to grow in grace in the confusing times, so you can receive glory for all you are seeking to accomplish.
- Lord, please help me to guard my heart against doubt and choose to trust you fully.
- Representative Julie Brixie
- Representative Hank Vaupel
- Senator Jon Bumstead