Suggested Bible Reading: Exodus 17-20
Devotional Thought:
If we aren’t growing in faith, in the knowledge of God, and in godly character, we’re wasting the opportunities the Lord brings into our lives. As the Israelites moved toward Mount Sinai, the cloud was still leading them by day and the pillar of fire by night. However, the Lord was still directing Israel into difficult and trying situations in order to prove His power and build their character. We must understand that the journey of life involves much more than merely reaching a destination. It seemed that the Israelites failed so many of the tests and manifested the immaturity of selfishness. The purpose of trials is to produce patience in our lives and grow our faith in God’s power and purposes. It is so critical that our attitudes are submissive to the work of God as we allow Him to mold us into the image of Christ. It is so gracious of the Lord to provide help for us through His servants that minister on our behalf to help us be victorious over our enemies. Aaron and Hur came to Moses’ aid as he was in battle with the Amalakites. I am so thankful for my staff that God has given to me to help raise my arms in the ministry God has given to me. I am so thankful for a wife that holds my arms up in the family God has provided, and I am blessed to have children who are a constant encouragement and joy to nurture in the admonition of the Lord. Be sure to take time today to thank the Lord for those God has provided in your life that have aided in you being victorious in your Christian life.
Prayer Requests:
• Lord, please help me to never take those for granted in my life who are a constant source of help and encouragement to me.
• Lord, thank you for my amazing wife, wonderful children, and incredible staff. You have blessed me beyond measure and I am so very grateful.
• Lord, thank you for the grace in my life, and your constant work to grow my character and faith. Help me to always be pliable and moldable for your glory.