Suggested Bible Reading: Leviticus 25-27
Devotional Thought:
This chapter, dealing with the Sabbatical Year and the Year of Jubilee, seems to be linked with chapter 23, making chapter 24 somewhat of a parenthesis. The first 7 verses of chapter 25 deal with the Sabbatical Year emphasizing rest, while the remaining 48 verses give details regarding the Year of Jubilee and all the ramifications of the laws of redemption. Just as people were to rest each seventh day, so the Lord commanded that the land should rest each seventh year. Modern agricultural science has shown that soil needs time to recuperate after some years of crop production. Crop rotation is one way of doing this, where a variety of crops, which utilize different elements from the soil, are sown in successive years. Although farmers today have access to ways to replenish elements back into the soil, God’s way was to leave the soil completely fallow each seventh year. In addition to the question of rejuvenation of the soil, by leaving the land fallow, the people would be reminded of the great fact that the Lord could provide for their material needs. According to Deuteronomy 15:9, the seventh year was the “year of release” when debts owed amongst the Israelites were cancelled. In this the people reflect the character of God, who graciously cancels the debt of sin for those who repent and trust Him. It is difficult to prove if the law of the Sabbatical Year was regularly implemented in Israel. In the later years of the monarchy, as the nation drifted further and further from the Lord, it seems to have been ignored. It seems that America is on that same track. As we drift further and further from the Lord, more and more of the Bible is ignored. In 26:34-39, the Israelites are warned that if they disregard God’s law regarding the Sabbatical Year, He would ensure that the Land would get its rest. Christians today are just as foolish to think they can ignore God’s Word and that it will not have an affect upon them. It is clearly stated that the 70-years of desolation imposed upon the Israelites was to make up for the many years when the land was not given its rest (2 Chronicles 36:20-21). This would indicate that for a period of 490 years the Sabbatical Year had not been kept. Are there areas of the Bible that you are ignoring? Are there clear Biblical principles that you are neglecting? Are there character flaws that you are not addressing?
Prayer Requests:
• Lord, please help me to follow your perfect design of rest. It is easy to be a humanist and do what I think is best.
• Lord, please help me to follow your word. I want to exalt your program of forgiveness and plan of service so others can see your majesty and glory.
• Lord, thank you for designing our bodies and for instructing us as to how we can best care for them within your program and design.