Pastor’s Bible Reading Schedule:
1 Chronicles 15-19
David had learned his lesson. Three months after the first attempt to move the ark, he had read the instructions and figured out why things had gone wrong. The problem was that the Levites had not carried the ark as God had commanded. David admitted that he had wanted the ark in Jerusalem in order to “inquire” of the Lord, but he realized that he had not inquired how to get the ark there in the first place. In chapter 15, David was determined to do it right.
It appears that David let a little bit of human nature show through in his second set of preparations. He was committed to doing things right this time, but he also added more flair to the procedure… more songs, more music, more people, more excitement. However, David didn’t need to do it bigger and better; he just needed to do it right!
During the first attempt to move the ark, David had involved the Levites as participants. This time he did what he should have done the first time; he put the Levites in charge. They, and they alone, were allowed to transport the ark, and they should do so in the prescribed way by having the carrying poles for the ark rest on their shoulders. David called a council of Levites to give them instructions on the proper methods.
This time everything went well, and they were able to take the ark from Obed-Edom’s house to Jerusalem, where they celebrated with a sacrifice of seven bulls and seven rams. David was thrilled to have this procession take place, and his delight increased as the ark approached Jerusalem. He was singing; he was dancing; he was in a state of rapture. How excited do we get when we are approaching God’s throne? Do you enjoy being in God’s presence? David had certainly learned a valuable lesson about God and service for Him. God is not a pragmatist and the method matters as much as our decision to obey. David learned that it was not enough to just do the right thing, he must do it the right way. Now, having his heart clean and his process obedient, David could enjoy the presence of the Lord. Will you take time to enjoy God’s presence today?
Prayer Requests:
- Lord, please help me to enjoy your presence and to be reminded that you live within my heart.
- Lord, please help me to anticipate the privilege to approach you in prayer at any moment and to pray without ceasing.
- Lord, please help me to never forget that the method is just as important as the decision to obey.
- Representative Tyrone Carter – District 6 – Detroit
- Representative Brenda Carter – District 29 – Keego Harbor