Suggested Bible Reading: Leviticus 22-24
Devotional Thought:
The first 16 verses of this chapter continue instructions to the priests. This section deals in particular with how the sanctity of the “holy things” was to be preserved. It is interesting that the term is used nine times in the book of Leviticus but only once outside this chapter. The difference between chapter 21 and chapter 22 is that chapter 22 deals with passing defilements, while chapter 21 dealt with permanent disqualifications. He suggests that this was a test of conscience, as the defilements would be hidden to everyone but God. We can foo people but we will never fool God! The second half of the chapter contains general instructions to priest and common man regarding the clean animals that may or may not be offered as sacrifices. As the priest was expected to be perfect (21:21), so, too, the sacrifice must be perfect (22:20). God wants our worship to be centered on Him. Chapter 21 dealt with priests who, due to physical abnormalities, were unable to officiate as priests but who could, nevertheless, partake of the holy food. Now the Lord gives instructions regarding which priests could not partake of the food. In addition, instructions are given with regard to others who may or may not be permitted to eat this food. This section of the book emphasizes, yet again, how necessary it was for the priests, the people, and the offerings to be holy and for this holiness to be preserved. It is a wonderful reminder to us that we serve the same God who has the same standard of holiness and deserves the same respect. The priest who presumed to eat of his rightful portion of the sacrifices while in a state of uncleanness is warned of the consequences of his action. The Lord would cut him off! There was no question of his being executed by the people, for they may not know of the priest’s uncleanness. Nevertheless, the Lord knew and would deal with the erring priest. He will deal with each of us today as we are a holy priesthood.
Prayer Requests:
• Lord, please help me to realize the importance of separation in my life. May I be willing to uphold your standard of holiness for your name’s sake.
• Lord, please help me to live holy as you are holy.
• Lord, thank you for giving the Old Testament to help us see your purity, power, and detailed program.