Suggested Bible Reading: Joshua 22-24
Devotional Thought:
Title: “The greatest ability is dependability.”
As we look at Joshua 22, the conquest was completed; the land was conquered and now occupied, and it was time for demobilization. The children of Israel were not instructed to keep and maintain a standing army, or to conquer beyond their borders, therefore the people were sent to their land to cultivate it and to live in peace. The background to Joshua’s speech to the tribes of Reuben, Gad, and Manasseh is recorded for us in the beginning of the book of Joshua. (1:12-18) There are three character traits about these tribes that are good for us to apply. First, they were trustworthy to their leaders. (vs. 2) “Ye have kept all that Moses the servant of the Lord commanded you, and have obeyed my voice in all that I commanded you.” Moses had received their initial request to settle on the east side of the Jordan and had granted it under certain conditions. (Num. 32) The tribes crossing the Jordan had followed these stipulations and they were armed and ready to fight. They had also accepted Joshua’s leadership and had been obedient to his commands during the battles. It was commendable that they had demonstrated such dependability to Moses and Joshua and had willingly acknowledged and submitted to their authority. I heard it once said, “there is no greater ability than dependability.” It is a joy for a parent, pastor, or professional to have people around him for which are dependable. Second, they were trustworthy with the layman. (vs. 3a) “Ye have not left your brethren these many days unto this day.” It had not been a brief venture into the land and then a swift return to their families and cattle. Three military campaigns of conquest had been undertaken, which had taken them away from their inheritance into the south and north of Canaan for a period of approximately seven years. (11:18) Despite the length of time, they had not forsaken their brethren in battle and had remained with them until the mission was accomplished. Too many Christians are jumping ship and leaving a church right when the church needs them most. If this mission took at least seven years, then it is no wonder that Joshua commended them for their faithfulness to their brethren. Thirdly, they were trustworthy to their Lord. (vs. 3b) “Ye … have kept the charge of the commandment of the Lord your God.” A greater proof of dependability was that they remained true and obedient to the Lord. It is possible to remain faithful to leaders and brethren and yet to stray from the path of obedience to the Lord. This would be a worthy commendation for any soldier to receive, and much more commendable for a believer. To be commended by the Lord for faithfulness to leaders, to laymen, and to the Lord Himself, would be a welcomed entrance into the presence of God. Failure in any one of these aspects can all too easily characterize the Christian, with sad consequences. To rebel against authority and spiritual leaders or to abandon the battlefield and fellowship of saints for an easier life in the mire of mediocrity is bad enough, but to demonstrate infidelity toward the Lord and His commandments is surely the ultimate failure.
Personal Prayer Requests:
- Lord, please help me to be dependable. I want to be the type of person people can count on to do right and be right.
- Lord, please help me to ultimately be dependable for you. I want you to be able to entrust to me that which you know I will be faithful and obedient concerning.
- Lord, please help me to instill and motivate this in the lives of those who follow me. I want to be a faithful leader.