I was reading a neat story about a brand-new mother who was listening to a special church service on a little battery-operated radio on a farm in Indiana. It was 1932, and the speaker was Harry Ironside, pastor of the famous Moody Memorial Church in Chicago. The church was conducting a special dedication service. During the service, Dr. Ironside invited parents to come forward to present their children to the Lord. This was a new experience for the Indiana mother. She was so moved by the service that she went to the crib of her newborn child, picked him up, and carried him into her little kitchen. There she knelt, and along with the parents participating in the church service one hundred miles away in Chicago, she dedicated her son to the Lord. Years later, the mother revealed to her son, Dr. Gene Getz, what she had done that day on the farm in Indiana. Dr. Getz, a pastor, radio commentator, and prolific Christian author, firmly believes that God answered his mother’s prayer, a prayer that impacted his life to this very day.
The first two chapters of 1 Samuel introduce us to the powerful prayer of Hannah, the mother of Samuel. Hannah prayed to God for a son. God answered her prayer and she gave birth to Samuel. She wanted so much to have a son that she promised she would give him back to the Lord. Hannah fulfilled her vow to the Lord, and Samuel became one of the greatest prophets of God the world has ever known. God still answers prayer today. He desires that we parents pray for our children before and after they are born. Do you admit that they belong to God and are simply entrusted to us? Are you rearing them for God according to the principles He has commanded or have we become selfish with them? Dedicating a child does not determine that they will turn out to serve God, but it is the start to acknowledging our role to rear them in the nurture and admonition of the Lord each and every day.
Personal Prayer Requests:
- Lord, please help me to remember that my children and grandchild belong to you. Please help me to be a positive spiritual influence in their lives.
- Lord, please help me to remember that each person in my church has simply been entrusted to me to shepherd, love, and guide according to your word.
- Lord, please help me to remember the power of prayer and the great desire you have to hear and answer the prayers of your children.