Pastor’s Bible Reading Schedule:
1 Kings 1-2; 1 Chronicles 29
Key Thought:
There is plenty of illustrations that we could all share about those who have mistreated people on their path of selfish ambition. As I stated yesterday, from Romans 12, we are to be dead to selfish ambition and alive to glorify God. We are not to be motivated that people would see us, but rather that they would see God. It is unfortunate to think how many people desire to be recognized and rewarded here on earth. We see it so clearly in Hollywood, the sports arena, politicians, and successful entrepreneurs. These, unfortunately, may be unsaved and this life seems to be all there is. Maybe this has never been more evident when Kobe Bryant died so tragically and everything he has been living for was ended. He had worked hard and built a reputation, a large net worth, and a legacy… but it was all for here on earth.
In our reading, we find another man who decided to pursue his selfish ambition and self-promoted himself to be king. Adonijah, David favored son, was determined to fill the political vacuum left by his father’s failing health. However, Nathan, the man of God, was wise enough to sniff out the plan to alter God’s plan and David’s wishes regarding Solomon becoming the next king. It seems harsh to us that David would encourage Solomon to deal supremely with these selfishly ambitious men, but before our reading ends, we find Benaiah, Solomon’s body guard, had executed 3 men, including the ambious Adonijah.
Wanting the glory here on earth is such a secular humanistic theme, but people who are selfishly ambitious for recognition and earthly reward are somehow driven to pursue it. God desires that we simply trust and obey and live our lives so that He alone is glorified and recognized through our lives. May we live today so that others who view our lives will come to a right conclusion about who God is and what God is really like. May we live for God’s glory and not our own!
Prayer Requests:
- Lord, please help me to defeat selfish ambition as it rears its ugly head in my life.
- Lord, please help me to trust your willingness to reward me in heaven and never settle for reward here on earth.
- Lord, please help me to consistently point people to you and your word so they can grow in grace for your glory.
- Representative Lynn Afendoulis
- Senator Dale Zorn
- Representative Thomas Albert
- Pray for one another
- Pray for Protection
- Pray for Peace
- Pray for God’s Purposes to be accomplished