Suggested Bible Reading: Numbers 35-36
Devotional Thought:
There are two subjects taken up in chapter 35. The first deals with the provision of cities for the Levites scattered throughout the land, (vs. 1-8) The second gives regulations as to the setting aside of six cities as places of refuge for the manslayer. (vs. 9-34) The connecting link between the two subjects is vs. 6 where it is mentioned that six of the forty-eight cities given to the Levites were to be used as these cities of refuge. It is an especially interesting chapter from a typical point of view because these cities of refuge are a wonderful picture of God’s provision in Christ as a shelter for the guilty sinner. The city of refuge was for the shelter of people who had slain another accidentally. In Exodus 21:13 God had promised that He would appoint a place to which the man who had unintentionally slain his neighbor might flee. This promise was now to be fulfilled. The cities were to serve as places of refuge from the avenger of blood. This was in order that the manslayer might not die before he had taken his cause to be judged in the presence of the congregation. The number of the cities was settled at six. Three were to be situated on the east side of Jordan and three on the west side in the land of Canaan. Jewish tradition says that the roads to the cities of refuge were to be properly maintained and kept in good condition, signposts being provided to give directions. Verses 16-24 deal with examples of cases for the guidance of those who might be called upon to judge between acts, which were premeditated, and those which were inadvertent. The different ways in which a man might be killed, constituting murder, are referred to in vs. 16-18. Three weapons were considered as instruments of murder—an instrument of iron, a stone, and a hand held weapon of wood. For the user of these in smiting another human being with them, there is no mercy and no city of refuge. In our study of Hebrews we find that they “fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us.” (Heb 6:18) Why does the writer put it like this? I believe it is because it would immediately take the mind of the Hebrews back to these regulations concerning the cities of refuge in Numbers 35. In the context of Hebrews 6 the writer gives them assurance that in Christ as the place of refuge they were brought into a position far superior to all that Judaism could offer. They were brought right inside the holy of holies and were able to have the great privilege of drawing near to God at any time through the Lord Jesus Christ and His sacrifice. Hallelujah! What a Savior!
Prayer Requests:
• Lord, please help me to never forget your grace in sending your Son to remedy my sin problem. Thank you for your grace!
• Lord, thank you for making such an important solution for man’s carelessness and ignorance, and for distinguishing it from rebellion.
• Lord, please help me to be willing to extend this same grace to those who carelessly and through immaturity may hurt me or someone I love.