Pastor’s Bible Reading Schedule:
Psalm 99-101
One of my favorite psalms and one that many people have memorized is Psalm 100. In this psalm, worship is vividly portrayed as the redeemed of the Lord showing the worth of our great God. It is Christians entering the throne room above, coming before God, and ascribing to Him the glory due His name. In all true worship, the believer approaches God in humility, entering His courts above with a sense of awe. He beholds God’s transcendent majesty and, in response, declares His greatness. This involves, first, a vision of God, which leads, second, to expressing thankfulness for His many blessings and offering praise for His glorious name. Herein is the true essence of worship. As a citizen of the heavenly kingdom, the saint enters the courts of the divine throne room in order to have an audience before the King of the universe. Bowing before His supremacy, the believer renders praise and adoration to God. In so doing, he is overwhelmed with gratitude for God’s glory and grace. This is the heartbeat of worship.
Psalm 100 graphically captures this heavenly throne scene, one in which worshippers enter God’s inner courts, bringing the praises due their King. This psalm is very short, only five verses in length, yet powerfully emotional in what it summons from every heart. Seven imperatives give this psalm a rapid-fire cadence, those verbs being “shout” (vs. 1), “worship” (vs. 2), “come” (vs. 2), “know” (vs. 3), “enter” (vs. 4), “give thanks” (vs. 4), and “praise” (vs. 4). These form the skeleton of this much-loved psalm, breaking it into two divisions. First, there is an initial call to worship God, and second, a further invitation to continue in worship.
Prayer Requests:
- Lord, please help me to express my gratitude for my great God and Savior.
- Lord, please help me to express praise for my Creator and Sustainer.
- Lord, please help me to express humility for the dependence I have upon my God.
- Senator Jim Ananich – District 27 – Flint
- Representative Sarah Anothony – District 68 – Lansing.
- Senator Tom Barrett – District 24 – Potterville