Suggested Bible Reading: Exodus 13-16
Devotional Thought:
“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.” (Ps. 119:105) I am so thankful that I do not need to try to traverse this life on my own, but that my great God has promised to guide me one step at a time. Our same God was with the Israelites and promised to lead them one step at a time with a pillar of fire by night and a cloud by day. In chapter 14, we find the consistent way in which God leads people and it is through His leadership. “He [God] made known His ways unto Moses, His acts unto the children of Israel.” (Ps. 103:7). The Jewish people were told what God wanted them to do, but Moses was told why God was doing it. “The secret of the Lord is with them that fear Him” (25:14). The leadership of Moses was a key ingredient in the success of Israel. God uses the husband, who fears the Lord, to produce a successful and godly family. God convinced Pharaoh that the economic structure of Egypt would be greatly compromised by the release of the Israelites. By leading the Israelites thorough the wilderness, Pharaoh was convinced that they would be easy to capture and return them to their slave posts. Therefore, Pharaoh took 600 chariots and his chosen army men and pursued after the Israelites. As long as the Israelites had their eyes upon the Lord, there was peace and contentment. However, when they got their eyes off of the Lord and unto the circumstances around them, they began to murmur, complain, and accuse. The same thing happens to us. When we are walking by faith with our eyes upon the Lord, we enjoy a peace that passeth all understanding. However, when we begin to question and get our eyes on our circumstances and problems, we begin to murmur, worry, and accuse. Moses turns to the Lord for direction and the Lord instructs him to put his rod over the Red Sea and as he obeys the Lord, God does what only God could do and parts the water so that the Israelites could walk across on dry ground. God was glorified in the tremendous victory as the faith of the Israelites was increased because of the simple obedience of Moses. It is so sad that so many people today miss seeing the power of God and the opportunity to bring glory to Him because of disobedience. May we learn today the importance of walking by faith in complete obedience to the will of God, so that He can be glorified in our lives.
Prayer Requests:
• Lord, please help me to trust you completely. Please help me to model complete dependence upon you as well as complete obedience to you as I face the circumstances of life.
• Lord, thank you for you care for me. Thank you that I know you are there and leading me in the paths of righteousness.
• Lord, please help me to be a leader that people are confident to follow because they are confident that I follow you.