Pastor’s Bible Reading Schedule:
Genesis 47:13-50:26
Key Thought:
It is not always easy to trust God. In Mark 9, a father was told by Jesus that “all things are possible for him that believeth.” And the father exclaimed, “Lord, I believe; help Thou mine unbelief!” (vs. 24)
In the life of Jacob, something similar was occurring. God challenged Jacob throughout his life to have faith in the promises and presence of his God. But Jacob struggled, deceived, and lost faith. However, God was not finished with him yet; he did not give up on His chosen man Jacob. And I don’t know about you, but I am glad God does not give up on me. In chapter 47 we find Jacob at the age of 130. Jacob trusted God for His promises and journeyed to Egypt. He believed that Joseph would be there for his death and that his body would be returned to the promised land. Jacob had come a long way from the one who manipulated and deceived to get what he wanted. At the end of his life, his faith had matured and he trusted God in a deeper way. May our faith increase and mature today and every day as we walk closer to God.
Prayer Requests:
- Lord, please help me to trust your promises each and every day.
- Lord, thank you that I can depend upon your promises and have my faith increased every day.
- Lord, please help me to mature in the way I implement mature faith in the decisions I make each day.
- Representative Tim Sneller
- Representative Bill Sowerby
- US Senator Debbie Stabenow