Pastor’s Bible Reading Schedule:
Leviticus 1-4
Key Thought:
God is perfect, living in absolute perfection; and heaven is perfect, a place of absolute perfection. No imperfection… no imperfect beings, not even imperfect man can ever live in God’s holy presence. There is a terrible gulf separating man from God, the tragic gulf of sin and imperfection.
How, then, can man approach God and become acceptable to God? How can man be reconciled; how can he be brought back to God? This is the glorious message of our reading this morning: there is a way to approach God. The way is through the Burnt Offering. Keep in mind that the Burnt Offering pictures the atonement, the ransom price paid so that man might escape the death penalty demanded by God’s holiness. To say it another way, the Burnt Offering pictured the atonement, the ransom price, paid to reconcile and make the person acceptable to God. In today’s dispensation, this is a picture of salvation. It pictures Jesus Christ dying for us, and He has paid the price so that we might escape the penalty of death. Hallelujah! What a Savior!
Prayer Requests:
- Lord, please help me to live today grateful for the shed blood that reconciled me back to you.
- Lord, please help me to stand confident of my standing before you because of your great sacrifice.
- Lord, please help me to share the good news of your reconciliation with someone today.
- Representative Vanessa Guerra
- Representative Jim Haadsma
- Representative Matt Hall