Suggested Bible Reading: Ruth 1-4
Devotional Thought:
Title: “Hallelujah, What a Savior!”
The scene is in the land of Israel, and the timing is so significant. It was “in the days when the judges ruled.” They were the days when the judges judged. As I mentioned in the study of Judges, there were perhaps thirteen of these judges, raised up at critical times over a period of more than three hundred years to govern and rule in Israel. (Judges 2:16) The Scriptures do not specify which judge was ruling at this particular time. For some unknown, but no doubt important reason, he has not been identified and the speculations of commentators are all over the map. Matthew Henry writes, “Under which of the judges these things happened we are not told, and the conjectures of the learned are very uncertain. It must have been towards the beginning of the judges’ time, for Boaz, who married Ruth, was born of Rahab, who received the spies in Joshua’s time. Some think it was in the days of Ehud, others of Deborah; the learned Bishop Patrick inclines to think it was in the days of Gideon, because in his days only we read of a famine by the Midianites’ invasion.” Although I admit that we cannot be dogmatic on which judge, many commentators favor, as I do, the possibility of Gideon. The famine of those days must have been extremely serious, extending over a number of years and over the whole land. The Midianites invaded when Israel had planted the grain, and, as the passage in Judges records, “they encamped against them, and destroyed the increase of the earth, till thou come unto Gaza, and left no sustenance for Israel, neither sheep, nor ox, nor ass. For they came up with their cattle and their tents, and they came as grasshoppers for multitude; for both they and their camels were without number: and they entered into the land to destroy it. And Israel was greatly impoverished because of the Midianites.” (Judges 6:3-6) Anarchy in the land! Famine in Bethlehem, the House of Bread! Where was the promised milk and honey? It is against this dark and depressed background that the little book of Ruth shines like a precious gem. The love story pictures the greatest love story of all time, relieving the gloom of those sad and depressed days of the judges and brightening the darkness of man’s depravity. The story, which started with famine and funerals, ends with a happy family in Bethlehem of Judea. The family genealogy will lead up to David, and eventually, to the Messiah. In Matthew 1 is the precious genealogy that shows how the story of Ruth both mentions and magnifies the grace of God and the sovereignty of God. What a picture of our salvation. We were in the wilderness of selfishness, wandering and hopeless, without God. However, God provided salvation through our Redeemer that allows us to function as a happy family in Christ. We are complete in Him and there is nothing we need from this world. May we be reminded that life outside of God’s will is a place of famine and funerals, but in the will of God, there is peace, joy, and fulfillment.
Personal Prayer Requests:
- Lord, please help me to remember what I have been saved from, and what I have in Christ. I am so thankful for your grace and for the salvation I enjoy.
- Lord, please help me to never forget the cost of my salvation that you so graciously paid for my redemption.
- Lord, please help me to show the grace of God and faithfully share the precious gospel to those around me in need.