Pastor’s Bible Reading Schedule:
Exodus 30-33:6
Key Thought:
It seems trite and overly simply, but God answers prayer! When we face severe problems, trouble, or crises, God answers prayer. When we face terrible trial or temptation, God answers prayer. When we face sickness, disease, or accident, God answers prayer. When we face pain, suffering, terminal illness, or death, God answers prayer. When we face the difficult times of life, if we pray, God hears and answers our prayers. When we need comfort, guidance, assurance, security, companionship, friendship… God hears and answers our prayers. He meets our need always. This is the significance and purpose of the Altar of Incense. The altar was used to offer up the most pleasing and acceptable aroma that can be imagined. This symbolized the pleasure and acceptance of God, that He was pleased with the aroma and accepted the offering being made. What was the offering? Prayer, the prayers of His dear people. The Altar of Incense symbolized the prayers of God’s people ascending up to God. The Bible is clear, “Pray without ceasing!” (1 Thess. 5:17)
Prayer Requests:
- Lord, please help me to always run to you first and never as a last resort.
- Lord, please help me to run to you during triumph with a heart filled with thanksgiving, and help me run to you during times of trial with a heart filled with faith.
- Lord, please help me to live completely dependent upon you.
- Representative John Chirkun
- Representative Cara Clemente
- Representative Triston Cole