Pastor’s Bible Reading Schedule: Judges 11-12; John 4
Devotional Thought:
Have you ever experienced a time when you just needed to share the gospel with someone? A time where you needed to find someone who was searching for truth and the answers to life’s questions. How long has it been since you shared the entire plan of salvation with someone? Jesus told His disciples, “I must needs go through Samaria.” (vs. 4) Then Jesus positioned Himself at a place where He knew there would be people coming in the evening to get water. We need to position ourselves from time to time where we know there will be lost people who are without Christ. Of course, I am not talking about putting oneself in a compromising situation or a place where we could lose our testimony and credibility for Christ; however, there are places where there are lots of people and most of them are on their way to hell. How many of your neighbors are without Christ? How many of your coworker is without Christ? How many of your family members? Where in your community do people hang out? If you desire to share the gospel with someone, and you are looking, God will make sure He puts someone in your path. The trouble today is we have too many people who are wrapped up in their own world and who are not concerned that people are dying and going to hell. Our Savior sets the example of the concern we should have and the pattern we should follow. Jesus told His disciples, “…my meat is to do the will of Him that sent me, and to finish His work.” (vs. 34) We have been given a similar mandate. We are to be going into all the world with the gospel and teaching and training others to do the same until Jesus comes back for us. How are you doing in this area? Are you sharing the gospel with people on a regular basis? Are you positioning yourself so you can? May God put someone on your way today with whom you can share the good news of God’s love.
Personal Requests:
• Lord, please help me to see the world the way you see them. Please lay some soul upon my heart and love that soul through me.
• Lord, thank you for allowing me to hear the gospel at such a young age, and please help me to be burdened to share it with others.