Pastor’s Bible Reading Schedule: 2 Corinthians 6-7
Devotional Thought:
What an incredible opportunity it was to see the word of God demonstrate its power last night, at Faith Baptist Church, as lives were affected by the power of the gospel. We rejoice in the adults who have been saved recently and what a joy to watch them take steps of obedience to the word of God. “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” (vs. 2) One commentator says it so well, “It is an ironic truth that the preacher is often one of the most loved and respected of men, yet at the same time one of the most hated and despised in his community. To those who believe the gospel he preaches, he is a revered spiritual father, mentor, and teacher. He proclaims to them the divine truth, encourages them, gives them hope, and instructs them in applying God’s Word. But to those who reject his message, his is the judgmental voice of conviction, irritation, and agitation. To them he is a troublemaker, disrupting the tranquility of their shameful lives and turning their sinful world upside down.” Paul was very careful not to do anything that would bring a reproach or cause someone to find fault in the gospel. Paul did not want the ministry blamed because of the offense that some may take to the gospel. He reminded this church of his patience in afflictions and distresses, as well as, his faithfulness during stripes, imprisonments, tumults, labors, and fastings. (vs. 4-5) Paul was likewise committed to demonstrating a life that accurately showed an excitement about the gospel. Therefore, Paul exhorts these Corinthians not to be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. They were called to be distinctly different. As different as light is from darkness and as different as Christ is from Satan. Let me ask you, are you living your life distinctly different from the world? It is no secret why the world is so confused and why they are indifferent to the message of Christians. The reason is because we have not been willing to separate from the world, but rather too many Christians are too conformed to the world. May we, for the sake of the gospel, live lives that show excitement about our position in Christ.
Personal Requests:
• Lord, please help me to live so that the world can see the importance of the gospel. May I demonstrate the urgency of now being the accepted time for salvation for the lost around me.
• Lord, please help me to be distinctly different from the world. Remind me that the world has nothing to offer me.