Pastor’s Bible Reading Schedule: 1 Samuel 26-27; 1 Timothy 2
Devotional Thought:
As many of your know, this passage has become a favorite of mine. I have been privileged to participate in building relationships with our government leaders, and it has all started with an understanding of this chapter. We are to be praying for all men, but kings, and all that are in authority are mentioned specifically. God tells us exactly how we should be praying for them. “I exhort therefore, that, first of all supplications, prayers, intercessions and giving of thanks, be made for all men.” (vs. 1) The goal is that “we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.” (vs. 2) I fear that we may want our government to emulate our homes or our churches, but God says we should be praying that they would just stay out of our families and churches that we may live a life that emulates the Lord Jesus. Supplications are the needs that they may have. I am convinced we must establish a relationship with government officials if they are going to be willing to share specific requests with you. And that relationship must include the building of trust. I must be willing to put the time into building the relationship in order for them to share requests with me, and then I must be faithful to take those requests to God. However, I do know that our government leaders need wisdom, strength, discernment, health, and many other things that I can ask God to give them. Prayers are the praises to God for His ultimate leadership and control in the affairs of men. Proverbs teaches us that the heart of the king is in the hand of the Lord. What a wonderful comfort to know we can praise God for every leader we have, knowing that He is ultimately in control doing what accomplishes His purposes for mankind. We must praise God for the government leaders. Intercession is the word for interview. We should rehearse the situations that our leaders are facing and answer them from the truths and principles from the word of God. For instance, “Lord, you know our government leaders are facing tremendous pressure from the gay and lesbian crowd, and yet your word clearly defines your plan for marriage. Please help our leaders today to have the backbone to stand up for the principles of proper marriage instead of caving to the pressures of our society.” The last specific area we must pray for all men, even those in authority, is to give thanks for them. I must admit that this has been a very difficult task for me at times. However, I must admit that God did not ask me what would be easy, but rather commanded me to give thanks for all men… “for kings, and all that are in authority…” That word “all” is a stumbling block for many of us. May we take this passage and apply it to our hearts and may the Lord bring about a change in the frequency, fervency, and focus of our prayers for those in leadership.
Personal Requests:
• Lord, please help me to pray faithfully for our government leaders. I thank you for the influence you have entrusted to me and may that never be taken for granted.
• Lord, please help me to pray the way your have specifically commanded. May it go beyond just government leaders and truly be a way I pray for all men.
• Lord, thank you for our president, vice president, governor, lieutenant governor, and all that serve with them. May my faith grow as I see your hand and purpose for every leader you allow in our great nation.