Pastor’s Bible Reading Schedule: 1 Samuel 19-20; 2 Peter 2
Devotional Thought:
In 2 Peter 2, we have a parallel teaching on false prophets that is also referenced in Jude. These false prophets will promote false teaching about salvation as they mock and belittle scriptural truth. They will use their position as a manipulation tool to gain material and financial wealth. We know it today as the “health and wealth gospel.” False teachers get on the television or in large crusades promoting that if people will send in some “seed money,” it will grow and blossom into healing, prosperity, or happiness. The scripture is clear that it is God that will deal with this foolish manipulation and will bring judgment that is swift, severe, and specific. “The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished.” (vs. 9) It is an important principle in verse 10, that reminds us of God’s ultimate structure of authority and our specific response to it should be submission. He references a man who is controlled by his flesh and pursues feeding and satisfying his selfish desires. He is marked by his despising of government and not afraid to speak evil of those in leadership. Oh how we must be careful to give honor to whom honor is due, and may we have the Lord’s wisdom and discernment in knowing how to stand against the evil of our day and the poor decisions that will directly affect our lives in this world. As the prophets of old sounded the warnings of disobedience and rebellion, may we be faithful to exalt the standard of righteousness found in the Bible. However, may we never forget this principle of scripture in reference to our behavior toward our government and its leaders. “Whereas angels, which are greater in power and might, bring not railing accusation against them before the Lord.” (vs. 11) Even the angels in heaven are not willing to bring accusation against the fallen angels before the Lord. They are content to fulfill their role and to trust the Lord for every situation, even with the rebellion of Lucifer and his followers. These false teachers, who have no respect for the authorities that they can see, and no respect for God’s ultimate authority, promise what they can never deliver. They are wells without water, clouds that produce no rain and will ultimately find themselves in hell forever. “While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage.” (vs. 19) Oh that we would hold fast to the truths that we have been given in the scriptures. May we strive to accurately and appropriately manifest the character of Christ to a world that so desperately needs Him!
Personal Requests:
• Lord, please help me to have the right perspective of the authorities that you place in my life. May I have the wisdom to demonstrate trust in your leadership even when those in leadership do not make good decisions.
• Lord, please help me to stand faithful to your word in the face of adversity. May I trust your word and let the light of the glorious gospel shine brightly as our world turns darker and darker.