Pastor’s Bible Reading Schedule: 2 Samuel 20-22; 3 John
Devotional Thought:
One commentator introduces this book very well. “Unlike modern correspondence, it was customary for the ancient writer to name himself at the opening of the letter. Elder, in this context does not only designate John’s age (he was a very old man when he wrote this letter), but more significant, it points to his position of spiritual oversight. As the last surviving apostle of Jesus Christ, John was not just an elder, but the elder, the most revered and respected figure in the church.
Details concerning Gaius are not known. There are several other men with that name in the New Testament (Acts 19:29; 20:4; Rom. 16:23; 1 Cor. 1:14). But since Gaius was one of the most common names in Roman society, it is impossible to identify this individual with any of them. He evidently was a prominent member of a local church, probably somewhere in Asia Minor, whom the apostle John knew personally. Although his life remains hidden, Gaius’s sterling character is disclosed in a grand tribute by the noble apostle.”
The theme of the book is truth and John mentions this word five times in the first few verses. Truth is the very character of Christ as He said of Himself, “I am the way the truth and the life…” (John 14:6) John said, “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.” I believe this is the testimony of every godly parent. There can be no greater fulfillment of joy than watching your children emulate the very character of Christ in their lives. I desire for my children to love the Lord with all their heart and to serve Him with joy in their heart. John goes on in this short book to emphasize the importance of hospitality. We must seek to meet the needs of those who are “fellowhelpers to the truth.” (vs. 8) However, John warns against those who are like Diotrephes. This man wanted everyone to think he was spiritual, but his desire was only for preeminence. He did not respect authority, but rather saw himself as the authority. He did not demonstrate hospitality to fellow servants of God, but rather accused them, discredited them, and tried to throw them out of the church. People with an agenda that is motivated by the desire to be seen will cause serious problems in the church. John warns his readers of such a person and people who would be like him. May God give to us a passion for truth and a desire to emulate it. May we find joy in caring for the needs of those who walk in truth.
Personal Requests:
• Lord, please help me to elevate the truth of your word at all times. Please help me to model for my children how to be a person of truth.
• Lord, thank you for the warning of those who loveth to have the preeminence. May we have the backbone, like John, to name those who seek to do the church harm and may we commit to standing humbly upon the authority of scripture as truth.
• Lord, please help me have a reputation like Demetrius… “a good report of all men and of the truth.”