Pastor’s Bible Reading Schedule: Numbers 17-19; Revelation 21
Devotional Thought:
The old chorus says “This world is not my home, I’m just a passing through…” We, as Christians, are not supposed to get too attached to this world. We are supposed to long, look, and live for heaven. We have so little in common with this world and its system. This life is only a time we prepare for standing before the Lord and reporting on the life we lived here. The only thing we can take to heaven is people, and that is only possible if they receive the gift of salvation offered through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. Once the rapture happens, the Christians stand before the Lord at the Judgment seat of Christ, then they enjoy the marriage supper of the Lamb. After that, we all come back to earth with Christ at the Revelation where Christ completes His defeat of the world and His defense of Israel. Jesus Christ then ushers in the millennial reign where He will rule, from Jerusalem, the whole world in worldwide peace. After Satan’s rebellion at the end of the millennium, Christ will judge the unsaved at the Great White Throne Judgment. Then He creates a new heaven and new earth for us to enjoy with Him forever! There will be no more death, sorrow, crying, pain or anything that can defile it. Those things come as the result of sin, and in the new heaven there will be no sin. The things that come as a result of God are all the prettiness, peace, and particulars. The whole city of heaven is gold, pure gold. There are precious stones that make up the foundation of the wall: jasper, sapphire, chalcedony, emerald, sardonyx, sardius, Chrysolite, jacinth, amethyst. The gates are made of pearls and the streets are pure gold. The Lord is present for worship to tenderly and carefully shepherd our lives and enjoy the perfect fellowship with Him. There is no need for the sun, because the glory of God will light heaven. We will enjoy the true design and purpose of man.. fellowship with God. How precious for us to think that God wants to give to us a taste of that sweet time as we yield to the Holy Spirit of God in our lives each day. As the songwriter declared, “What a day that will be when my Jesus I shall see, when I look upon His face, the One who saves me by His grace…”
Personal Requests:
• Lord, please help me to remember why you have left me here on this earth. Help me to share the glorious gospel of Christ with people. We have so much in Christ and they are so empty.
• Lord, please remind me often of what I have waiting in the future because of your grace. I cannot imagine heaven or the beauty of it. I know that there is coming a day when I will not have any more sorrow, tears, death, or pain to face. Thank you for your grace.
• Lord, thank you for your constant presence and communion with me. I look forward to the day when I will be able to perfectly enjoy sweet fellowship without any selfish or sinful tendencies. Remind me that sin is the problem for all we face and that you are the answer to those problems.