Pastor’s Bible Reading Schedule: 2 Kings 14
Devotional Thought:
Amaziah, in 2 Kings 14, is a good example of what compromise does. Man can be a mentor and we all thank the Lord for godly, parents, grandparents, and other good influences God has given in each of our lives. However, we must ultimately follow God and not man. The apostle Paul said to follow him only as he follows Christ. In verse three, the text tells us that Amaziah did right in the sight of God; however, not like David but rather chose his dad as the standard to follow. One big mistake was he failed to tear down the high places of false worship. (vs. 4) It is a foolish thing to make provision for our flesh. (Rom 13:14) When we fail to remove evil or the temptations around us, we are certain to fail spiritually. Amaziah should have followed the advice David gave to Solomon, but instead he allowed the temptation of the high places to continue and the people continued in the practice of sacrifice on the high places. (vs 4) Are there “high places” in your life today? Is there something in your life that hinders your spiritual life, but you continue to keep it around? Maybe a boat that keeps you out of church on Sunday, an unforgiving spirit that feeds your bitter heart, or a girlfriend or boyfriend that hinders your spiritual maturity and development. Amaziah should have torn down the high places and so should we.
Sometimes our high places are traditions passed down from our parents…practices that violate God’s word or are spiritual weights to our christian growth. We must eradicate anything that keeps us from complete surrender to God’s purposes and programs.
Prayer Requests
Lord, thank you for promising us victory over temptation. Please help me to be willing to build proper walls in order to not make provision for my flesh.