Pastor’s Bible Reading Schedule: Isaiah 34-36
Devotional Thought:
In Isaiah 34, God describes the complete and decisive victory He will have over His enemies in The Great Tribulation. It will be an awesome display of God’s power and a sober reminder of man’s wickedness. This chapter moves from a military scene where God strategically positions Himself for victory, to a temple scene where Christ uses wicked nations of the world as a bloody sacrifice to God, and finishes with an illustration… the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.
In chapter 35 there is a complete turn of events. The heathen are gone, the battles are over, and righteousness reigns. What a glorious reminder to us of things to come. Those who oppose the work of God will get their just consequence; I do not need to make them pay. Satan, who frustrates me every day, will get what He has coming to him. My flesh that fights against me and opposes every desire to do good will finally be perfected. We have really good days coming! Isaiah used the truth of the coming reign of Christ as a motivator for the people. He strives to encourage those who have frail hands, feeble knees, and a fearful heart. He announces that the blind will see, the deaf will hear, the lame will leap, and the dumb tongue will sing praises! We will enjoy perfect fellowship in serving King Jesus, we will enjoy the fruits of harvest in a once barren and war torn land, and we will enjoy absolute protection from any harm, disappointment, or frustration. The battles with our flesh, our society, and the Devil will be over! We will indeed have absolute peace in our heart and in every relationship! Hallalujah! What a Savior!
Personal Requests:
• Lord, help me to keep my focus on the truths of your word, and not be discouraged by the weakness of my flesh, the wickedness of our society, or the wretchedness of the Devil.
• Lord, help me to walk in step with you, knowing you are always in control and at work in my life and in the lives of those around me.
• Lord, remind me of my own weakness and that my strength comes from you.
• Lord, help me to live every day in a way where people are convinced of my confidence in your will, you work, and your word.
• Lord, thank you for having everything under control and for the very bright future that I have in You!