Pastor’s Bible Reading Schedule: Isaiah 32-33; Mark 8
Devotional Thought:
Have you ever thought, “Why do we forget things so quickly?” It is interesting that the disciple’s response following the two great miracles of feeding nine thousand men over two different occasions was the same. They forgot and began to worry how their needs would be met. We worry over a doctor’s bill, a school bill, a child’s sickness, and all kinds of other things. Has God ever been slack concerning His promises? NO! Now when we get selfish and make bad decisions, God is not going to reward or encourage that kind of living, but if we have been good stewards, living within our means and asking God how He would like for us to spend His money, He will meet every need. Jesus had just fed 4,000 men miraculously and the disciples were worried about only having one loaf of bread left. Jesus said, “Why reason ye, because ye have no bread?” So Jesus gives a pop quiz. I fed 5,000 men with 5 loaves and how many baskets full did you have left over? They got it right, 12. I fed 4,000 men with 7 loaves and how many baskets full did you have left over? They got it right again, 7. Then Jesus asks a simple question, “How is it that ye do not understand?” I think the question we should all ask ourselves is this, “Have I let God multiply what He has already given me, rather than will He give me more in the future?” Jesus ends this chapter with reminding His disciples that life is about serving God and being faithful with everything God entrusts to us. If we want to be selfish in this life and live it for ourselves, we will then lose all of what this life was given for us to gain. If someone rejects salvation because they think life was given to them to live any way they want, they will suffer eternal death. Even lose their soul! Though Christians have been bought with the blood of Jesus Christ and therefore have everlasting life, they have a special responsibility and stewardship in this life. Christians are asked to sacrifice selfish desires for submission to the Holy Spirit through the illumination of the word of God. If we get selfish in this life, we not only lose eternal rewards, we will lose what God desired for us in this life. God really does know best!
Personal Requests:
• Lord, help me to trust your word and completely obey your clear commands.
• Lord, Peter missed seeing the greater good of you going to the cross. Help me to trust you through times of a cross, knowing you have someone else’s greater good in mind.
• Lord, help me to be a faithful steward with all you have entrusted to me. I want you to be able to multiply it for your own glory.
• Lord, you are so powerful and mighty! Thank you for the security it provides for me.