Pastor’s Bible Reading Schedule:
Numbers 27-29
Key Thought:
Joshua came from a long line of leadership. No doubt he had heard many stories about God’s deliverance throughout the history of Israel. Now he was to succeed the greatest leader Israel had ever known. And, as human nature goes, some might wonder whether he was really qualified for the task.
Joshua was the firstborn son in his family and was probably aware of the devastating night when God delivered Israel through the first Passover. Joshua was destined to do something significant for God, and besides, he had a great mentor in Moses. Most leaders have had the influence and impact of a true leader upon their life. Joshua had seen waters parted by a miracle and he had witnessed God’s amazing provision. He had also experienced some success as a military leader when he led the counterattack against Amalek’s army. He had climbed Mt. Sinai with Moses to receive the Ten Commandments, and he was, no doubt, Moses’ right-hand man. Therefore, it was no surprise that Joshua was among the twelve chosen to spy out the land of Canaan. God’s hand was upon him from the very beginning to fill the shoes of Moses and lead the people of Israel into the promised land.
Just as Joshua was clearly equipped and chosen by God to participate in God’s program, you and I have been equipped and chosen to serve in our respective roles. Will you be faithful with your responsibility today?
Prayer Requests:
- Lord, please help me to be faithful with how you choose to equip me for the work for which you have called me.
- Lord, please help me to embrace the roles for which you have called me.
- Lord, please help me to enjoy the privilege to participate in your program for me.
- Representative Ronnie Peterson
- Representative Laurie Pohutsky
- Senator Dayna Polehanki