Pastor’s Bible Reading Schedule:
Exodus 4:18-6:27
Key Thought:
A bumper sticker read, “Jesus is coming… look busy!” Cute sticker… lousy theology! God knows what is going on in our lives. He knows all the opportunities we have neglected, all the acts of servanthood we have performed, and all His attempts to get our attention that we have rejected. The Bible tells us, and we certainly believe, that Jesus Christ is coming again and we are to accept His call to be busy. We are not to go through life trying to fool everyone around us. You cannot fool God by faking your involvement. He has a job for us to do in our families, in our communities, and in our church. The question is, “are we listening for His voice? In our reading this morning we find that Moses was listening and ready to obey.
Prayer Requests:
- Lord, please help me to have my ear tuned to your voice so that I can hear, trust, and obey!
- Lord, please help me to be sensitive to every opportunity you provide for me to participate in your program.
- Lord, please help me to be ready to serve those you place on my way.
- Representative Ann Bolin
- Representative Tommy Brann
- Senator Winnie Brinks