Naham 1-3
Title: “A Just Consequence for Evil!”
Devotional Thought:
The book of Nahum is the last chapter in the story of Jonah and contains a majestic and significant presentation of the character and greatness of God. He is seen as God, the covenant keeping God, who is interested in His people’s relationship with the nations around them. In this book the haughty and cruel Assyrian nation is pictured, which is representative of the pride and arrogance of the world. The boast of Nineveh, with its 100-foot high walls and strong towers, was that it was impregnable. This claim of Nineveh would be shattered by the judgment of God, just as the world’s attempt to oppose God and His Son will be brought to naught. Chapter one unfolds the truth that God is the source of strength and comfort for His people as well as being just in His dealings with men and nations. The majesty of a jealous God, who is the avenger of evil, is on display, and although He is slow to anger, the wicked will inevitably be punished. (vs. 2-3) The power of His wrath is then pictured in the great tempests and upheavals in the world of nature, showing that His might is irresistible. (vs. 3-6) He is good to those who put their trust in Him and He is their place of safety in the day of trouble. (vs. 7) In contrast to this, His judgment is announced upon the oppressor of His people, Assyria, and its capital city, Nineveh, which are to be completely destroyed. (vs. 9-11) God would break the yoke Assyria had laid upon Judah (vs. 12-13), and the message of Assyria’s destruction would be a source of comfort and rejoicing in Judah (vs. 14-15). Having stated that God’s judgment upon Nineveh is the subject of his book, the prophet emphasizes the justice of that judgment by describing the character of God. Although He is longsuffering He will not allow guilt to go unpunished, but will display His justice in giving out punishment to those who deserve it. His judgment is righteous in its character, slow in its manifestation, and dreadful in its execution. His irresistible power is vividly portrayed in His control over the mighty storms and earthquakes on earth, which indicates how awesome and terrible is His judgment. None can escape or stand before His wrath and fury. Thus, over against the oppression and cruelty of the Assyrians, Nahum places before the people of God, in forceful terms, the majesty of God, showing His passion (vs. 2), His patience (vs. 3), His power (vs. 3-6), and His provision for them. (vs. 7-8) Just as God fought for Israel, God fights for us and is the source for every victory that we experience.
Personal Prayer Requests:
- Lord, please help me to always find my refuge in you.
- Lord, thank you for the confidence I gain, in knowing that you are the avenger of all evil, and the One who rights every wrong.
- Lord, please help me to rest secure in your care and in your power.