Confirmation of Our Adoption
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“The Joy of Restoration.” Joseph had tested his brothers by framing Benjamin and allowing his other brothers to go free if they so chose. How the other brothers reacted is not stated, but the fact that all the brothers returned (vs. 13) seems to indicate that they were united in their commitment to their…
“The Unprofitable Servant” The first time I read Luke 17:7-10, I was appalled by the actions of the master toward his servant. It seemed to me that this servant was working his tail off and it seemed that the master just required more and more of him. “Doth he thank that servant because he…
“Living Above Our Circumstances.” People have all kinds of things that make for a bad start to a day. Here are some that I read a few weeks ago. You know you are going to have a bad day when… You start brushing your teeth with muscle relaxant cream. You realize the hair spray…
“Sowing and Reaping.” Dr. Richard A. Swenson, a Christian physician, describes in amazing detail the great care God has taken in creating the universe and even the human body. The human body is composed of ten thousand trillion-trillion atoms, a number greater than the stars of the universe. In all of us more than…