Persevere in Strength and Faithfulness
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Suggested Bible Reading: Genesis 43-45 Devotional Thought: “So now it was not you that sent me hither, but God: and he hath made me a father to Pharaoh, and lord of all his house, and a ruler throughout all the land of Egypt.” (Gen. 45:8) Joseph had one more strategy in his plan for bringing…
Suggested Bible Reading: Genesis 39-42 Devotional Thought: Joseph is a good example of a believer who trusted God and made the best of his difficult circumstances. He never read what Jeremiah wrote to the exiles in Babylon (Jer. 29:7) or what Peter wrote to the scattered Christians throughout the Roman Empire (1 Peter 2:13-20), but…
Suggested Bible Reading: Genesis 38-40 Devotional Thought: The definition I like most regarding integrity I heard many years ago from a preacher. “Integrity is complete obedience no matter who is watching, the severity of the temptation, or the intensity of the pressure.” One of the major purposes of Genesis is to record the origin and…
We had a wonderful week with Jeff and Anna Musgrave training many in our church how to share the gospel message during our Exchange seminar. We serve a gracious God who has not only revealed Himself to us through His Word and through His Son, Jesus, but He has paid for our sins and provided…
Suggested Bible Reading: Genesis 30-32 Devotional Thought: The time had come for Jacob to move his large family to his own homeland and be on his own. He now had eleven sons and one daughter, and he had more than fulfilled his part of the bargain he had made with Laban. He had earned the…
Suggested Bible Reading: Genesis 27-29 Devotional Thought: Philosopher George Santayana called the human family “one of nature’s masterpieces.” If the human family is truly a masterpiece, then unfortunately many of these masterpieces have become nothing more than mere crumbled pieces because they forgot their Creator and His design for the family. Genesis 27 describes such…