Our Mission
The mission of Faith Baptist Church as set forth in the Great Commandment and the Great Commission is loving God with all our hearts while bringing people into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, incorporating them into the fellowship of the local church, teaching them to live in obedience to God’s Word, and equipping them to use their spiritual gifts for God’s glory in service to others.

Our Beliefs
The beliefs of Faith Baptist Church and its members are based on the Scriptures, the holy Word of God. Click here for an outline of what we believe. Please note that these beliefs do not exhaust the extent of our faith. The Bible itself is the sole and final source for all our beliefs.

Service Times
Sunday School: 9:45 AM
Sunday Morning: 11 AM
Sunday Evening: 6 PM
Wednesday Evening: 7 PM
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Our History
The roots of Faith Baptist Church formed Sunday, May 4, 1933, when Charles and Frances Binning invited 17 children into their home for Sunday School. By July of that year, the Sunday School had grown to more than 40 children. The childrens’ parents quickly realized their need for an adult worship service, and a full church was soon established from that initial childrens’ ministry.
Known as Gospel Center, the church body met in a rented storefront and portable classrooms in East Detroit from 1934 to 1938. That year, the church purchased a building on Nine Mile, just east of Schoenherr. Under the ministry of Rev. Binning, the name of the church was changed to Faith Baptist Church, and he faithfully served as its pastor until 1958.
Following Rev. Binning’s retirement, Pastor Paul Murphrey answered the call to lead the church. The church quickly outgrew the facility on Nine Mile, and a new church was built on Schoenherr Rd., just south of 11 Mile. The first service in that building was held on Easter Sunday in 1965. In 1978, an educational wing was also added.
After 23 years, Pastor Murphrey retired from his position, and Dr. David Cummins was welcomed as the new pastor of Faith in November 1981. Under his ministry, a sister church, Cornerstone Baptist, was started in Detroit. In 1993, Faith purchased Calvary Christian School of Roseville, now known as Faith Christian School, located in Clinton Township. As God blessed church growth, he also provided a new auditorium and classroom building in 1996 to accommodate Faith’s increasing numbers.
In 1997, Pastor Cummins resigned to become the deputation director for Baptist World Mission. In May of that year, the church body called Dr. Marty Marriott to serve as pastor. During his leadership, the church helped start Faith Baptist Church of Northern Macomb, located in Ray Township. After 13 years, Dr. Marriott resigned in 2010 to become the president of Maranatha Baptist Bible College in Watertown, WI.
In September 2011, Pastor Tim Berlin accepted the call to lead the church as senior pastor. He realized that the church and school were outgrowing their separate locations, which sparked the need to begin looking for a new facility. He and the church began praying to find a place where God would allow all of Faith’s ministries to operate from the same location.
In 2021, the church stepped out in faith, purchased a former college facility in Clinton Township, and sold the Warren property. Faith’s first church service in the repurposed facility was April 25, 2021, now celebrated by the congregation as “Only God” Sunday. Since 2021, Faith has opened a daycare, Little Leaders Academy, and moved the elementary school and high school from the old facility.
Praise God for his faithfulness to his people!